First Baptist Church Keller, TX

Adult Bible Study

June 5, 2022
12:00 a.m. – 11:59 p.m.

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1 Peter – Filled with Hope While Persevering in Faith

Summer Session 1

Each Sunday at 9:45 a.m., our Bible study classes meet on campus and via Zoom. Reach out to our office to learn how you can join us.

God’s Election and Our Inheritance

Aim: To understand how God’s choice of us in eternity past gives us the ability to overcome suffering as we view our incredible inheritance of eternal life with Him.

Introduction/Context: We are familiar with the persecution of the church in its early days, as the Jewish authorities became desperate in their attempts to stamp out this new system of belief. Over time, this persecution became more organized and more cruel, as it spread from the Jewish authorities to the Roman government and was embraced by Nero. Peter wrote this letter to provide encouragement to believers whose suffering would soon intensify.

225 Keller Parkway
Keller, TX 76248