Women's Ministry

Our Women’s Ministry is here to equip and encourage every woman to grow in her walk with God and to become spiritually mature in Christ Jesus.

Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
– Colossians 2:6-7

Come meet women of all ages and backgrounds.
We come alongside you in your spiritual walk.
We provide many service opportunities throughout the year.

1 Thessalonians

Women's Fall Bible Study

Begins Tuesday, September 10
9:30 a.m., Room 145 and 6:30 p.m., Room 249

Come learn how the faith of the Thessalonians still encourages us today. God’s grace and peace strengthens us for suffering and gives us faith that abounds in love for others. We are reminded to remain diligent and alert, living godly lives ready for Christ’s second coming. Cost: $5.00 per person
Register for Morning Class Register for Evening Class


Kings & Prophets Series

Begins Tuesday, September 10
Women-only Study • 9:30 a.m., Room 245
Co-ed Study • 6:30 p.m., Room 245

Join us as we continue the Kings and Prophets Series. Come join us as we study God’s Word through 9 lessons that give great insight into our God. We will take a deep look at how God used his prophets Obadiah and Joel to prophesy about the judgment of all the nations in the coming day of the Lord. We’ll also study a reluctant prophet called by God to tell an evil city of His compassion for them. Lastly, we will study a shepherd named Amos whom the Lord prophesied warnings about coming judgment, and He can also send forth His Word through you to save others from coming judgment. Study how people can be prepared to meet their God and how your heart can be stirred to proclaim the warning with hope for those who heed it. Cost is $20.

Morning Women's Class Evening Co-ed Class

First Place for Health

Women's Weight Management and Bible study

Wednesdays beginning September 11, 2024
More information to come on specific Bible Study, time, and location.

Contact Donna Dougherty to register or call the church office at (817) 431-2545.

Healing Hearts Ministries International

“Binding Up The Brokenhearted” is a women’s Bible study created specifically for women who suffer the aftereffects of abortion. Written by post-abortive author Sue Liljenberg, “Binding Up the Brokenhearted” is led exclusively by post-abortive women who found forgiveness and healing from God’s Word through this study.

New class begins September, 2024. Please contact Deana Sabey to learn more or to sign up for the class.

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Women's Ministry Staff